Sunday, April 10, 2011


On my way to the Linguistics building multiple times a week, I cross a path over a small stagnant stream (it probably has a name unbeknownst to be). It's surrounded by tall old growth trees and an abundance of foliage but it looks absolute dead! The murky, unmoving water shaded by a canopy of trees provides no life. I've never seen a duck anywhere near it, nor any squirrels coming up to it for a refreshing splash (do they even do that??).  The so-called-stream is merely a pit of water fostering growth of algae, fungi, and other gross substances. Dark. Rank. Lifeless. 

Earlier this year I was struck by fear, What if that's me? Do I appear dead in my faith to others? Have I become a complacent, unmoving, stagnant Christian so far away from the head water supply that I simply sit in the shade and sulk? God, don't let this be me!

Now, I don't often walk on this path when in bad weather (I take the paved way and stop for a coffee of course), but one day I was running late and needed to use the short-cut. As I carefully made my way down the hill toward the stream I suddenly stopped, remembering my recent comparison of this stream to a stagnant Christian. Today the water was different; I noticed movement! The soft splashing of raindrops from above vibrantly shot countless ripples throughout the water. It was alive, moving, and beautiful even on the rainy day. In fact,  it needed an overhead source of water for the stagnant stream to move!

I'm not always a fan of rain, but today it was lovely! Then I was struck again, When I am stagnant, God sometimes uses painful processes to refresh me. Sunshine is nice, but rain causes movement. 

God has often used uncomfortable and even painful circumstances in my life to re-ignite my heart for Him, similar to the rain bringing movement to the stagnant water (alright, it's not the best analogy... but it kinda works, right?) So embrace the rain- and find refreshment in our Lord's faithfulness.

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