Monday, May 2, 2011

Humble Confidence

Option one: Prideful "Confidence."
Pride can so easily get in the way of how we live. The need to perform better than others, to puff ourselves up and fan our feathers. I often get caught up comparing myself to others for the sake of making myself feel better. Why do we need to boast about our accomplishments, our grades, our althetic endeavors, our experiences? Is is really because we think we're "all that"? Nope. It's cause we know we're Not! Well, generally... I guess a few truly prideful people exist in the world, but it often stems from insecurity. The desire to appear better than others in order to gain approval is a dangerous trap leading to a downward spiral of over emphasis of what others think along with a skewed view of oneself. But, we all do it. Trying to appear confident while really appearing prideful only drives others away.

Option two: "Humble" Self-doubt.
So many times I've forced myself to run from the pridful way of thought, but I end up putting myself down or wallowing in lack of confidence. I don't think I'm worth much. I don't have faith in my abilities, gifts, or strengths. The mask of humily is only hiding self-doubt. I have thought this is better than pride, but really isn't it the same? Both ways discount who I really am- in Christ. This way just makes me feel like I'm at least trying to be a "good person." Sadly, this humble self-doubt also drives others away- no one wants to be around a downer!

Option three: "Humble Confidence"
So, there's gotta be a nice middle ground. Why is it so easy to either focus on your own weaknesses or your strengths but never a proper balance of the two? (Ok, well at least I haven't figured out the happy medium, but I'm open to whatever secret formula you've come up with!) God has really been challenging me with the term "humble confidence" these past few months, but I've yet to fully grasp the intangible concept. I hate vagueness. Just give me a clear-cut formula, and I'll take it from there. Ah, but we're not called to a religion of formulaic processes to achieve holiness. We're called to faith. If Jesus only came to show us how to live, why then did he have to die?

"I have confidence, my Lord's gonna see me through... no matter what the case may be, my Lord, my Lord's gonna face it with me"
This was a catchy little song I would sing with my cheerleading squad right before we hit the floor for a dance or competition (yes, I was a cheerleader haha shocking, right?). I love how the song says that the reason for our confidence comes from knowing God will be by our side, not from knowing we are fully capable on our own. Perhaps "humble confidence" means humbly recognizing your confidence is found completely in the awesomeness of our Lord.

 God, teach me humble confidence so I can find my complete worth in YOU.

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