Logic looks about with his bird's eye view of life. He listens to Experience, dialogues with Reason, and never ceases making Sense. Logic has an approach to life that supersedes all other ways; after all, he resides in Head, the most important part of the body. If Head didn't work, nothing would work.
Emotion focuses on what's right in front of her. With one hand holding Feeling and the other attached to Mood, Emotion cares little of listening to Logic. She knows that Logic resides in Head, a part inferior to her residence, Heart. For if Heart didn't work, nothing would work.
Each believes the other inferior, causing pride and ignorance, tension and discord. The two rarely listen to each other and never agree- Logic and Emotion don't connect.
Two inhabitants of one body, residing in complete opposition and unwilling to make peace. Eventually, a battle will occur. Eventually, one will win. Logic and Emotion are both too stubborn to give in, but undoubtedly one will rise, one will fall.
Unless... Balance arrives. He must convince Logic and Emotion they need each other. For if Head explodes, Heart will fail; if Heart breaks, Head will soon collapse. What Logic and Emotion fail to see is the beauty that lies in the other. They must make peace, they must be connected.
Balance, come quickly. Please.
Too often there is disconnect between what I know to be logically true and to what my emotions tell me. Logically it makes sense to get up when the alarm goes off, but I certainly feel otherwise (ok, lame example). Let me try again... in my head I know that I'll make it through this semester (and I'll enjoy it!), but anxiety creeps into my heart on too many occasions, flooding me with doubt, fear, and stress. Or how about when my mind was fixated on the negatives of such a heavy semester while I feel completely hopeful and excited for what it holds. Why can't my logical brain and emotional heart just get on the same page already!
I wish I could figure out some simple way to solve the problem of logic and emotion disconnect. But I'm stuck trying to balance the two polar opposites, waiting for the two to finally get along.
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