Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Recently I've noticed that I've been complaining a lot! It's terrible!!!! About the weather... being tired... not being able to do something... over and over I complain. It's getting annoying to me, so I can't imagine how bothersome I am to others! (friends and family, please forgive me- and slap me next time I'm whining! seriously!)

Just a couple days ago I was grumbling about the rain, and God nudged me to consider Joplin, Missouri. Whew was that a slap in the face or what!? Here I am facing some rain and chilly "winds" while inside my still-standing home with my family by my side... and I'm complaining. Now, that's embarassing! But why do I (dare I say "we") frequently do this??

The answer is often in perspective. When we fix our eyes on the things two feet in front of us, it's easy to lose sight of the big picture. I too quickly forget about the other 6 billion (plus) people on the planet! There's always someone worse off than us (now, that's not to discount personal pain and suffering... just remember you're not alone).

Ya know that glass half empty/half full analogy? One side is the optimist, one side is the pessimist... both sides are realists. And who do you like to spend more time with?? (Here's where you answer "optimist;" it's a rhetorical question....) So combat complaining with a little perspective and a splash of optimism! And remind me to do the same =)

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