Thursday, May 5, 2011


"I am a flower quickly fading... here today and gone tomorrow... a wave tossed in the ocean... a vapor in the wind..."

A few days ago a lady came into work who vividly reminded of a friend who passed away in February. I almost did a double take, but I the thought's of DS's death flooded my memory soon enough. I've been babysitting her kids the past 3 or 4 years, and the news of brain cancer last November (a year and a half ago) shocked everyone. She was one of THE SWEETEST women I have ever met. Her grace towards her kids, her gentle spirit, her encouraging smile, and her calming presence made an impact on my life more than she will ever know. Especially when I'm with her kids, I find myself asking, "How would D have handled this situation? Would she have been as harsh as me? Are my words as soft and kind as hers? Are my actions as loving as she would have demonstrated?"

Now, I wouldn't say that I was especially close to her, but she was one of those people who made you feel special no matter how well she knew you. Even when I was having a bad day, I could walk into her house and feel loved... appreciated... accepted. How did someone's presence cast off such a beautiful light?(metaphorically of course... but she always was quite tan haha). How did she leave such an impact on my life? She's one of those people I really wish I had a chance to get to know better. But I'm grateful for the time we did have.

The lines at the top of a page are from one of my favorite songs by Casting Crowns (I can't remember the name right now, but I'll check later... maybe it's called "Who am I"?). the songs speaks of our lives being only a tiny glimpses in all of eternity- we're here one day and gone the next. Discouraging? Perhaps a little.
However, our legacy lives. DS's body is in the grave, but the impact she had while alive lingers with those she knew. I want to have the kind of influence on others that she had on me, even in the short time I was blessed to know her.

A speaker at a leadership camp I once attended shared a short story I will never forget; she was talking about her recently deceased son and the influence he had on others. When describing his friendships, she said something to the effect of, "he treated everyone as if they were his best friend." Ok, at first I thought this was a bit extreme...but then I thought about how I try and treat my best friends- with openness, acceptance, genuine care, understanding, loyalty, faithfulness, compassion, encouragement, love... why not treat everyone this way?? (well, go easy on the openness I guess- it's probably not the best idea to unleash all your problems on every stranger you meet!) Shouldn't we view everyone with the non-judgemental eyes of Christ, with a heart seeking to know them for who they are, and a gracious spirit of acceptance of love?

When I think of why DS influenced my life in such a profound way, I realize it was because she couldn't help it. God gushed from within her. The love she showed was not of her own- she simply poured out the love of the Holy Spirit who so vibrantly lived in her thoughts, words, and actions. Influence does not necessarily come from spending a great deal of time with someone. I think it can just as easily come from living out a life of love and embracing others just as they are. Yes, our time is short (especially in the scheme of eternity), but influence is not confined to the physical time in which our bodies are alive. So don't be afraid of leaving this earth- live so your influence will last.

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